RGP2.2: Returning Forfeited Staking Rewards

Am definitely in favor of this proposal. However, is this also not a good opportunity to distribute ribbon to a broader set of people through a second program of some sort? That was one of the stated goals of the LM program originally and believe the team had mentioned that distribution was not as wide as they had hoped.

Hey everyone, referring to the RGP-2.2 proposal, it has passed with β€˜For’ (7.15M RBN). Following the stated execution date, we distributed the RBN forfeited to depositors.

Please see below for details of the execution.

Summary of Execution

  1. First, we retrieved the forfeited RBN from each of the StakingRewards contracts. This amount is determined by a Python script. This involves calling the recoverERC20 function on the StakingRewards contract.
  2. Next, we transferred the forfeited RBNs (187512.909804243671786537) to an EOA we control.
  3. Before we are able to transfer the RBN, we need to first grant the ability to transfer to the EOA and the disperse.app contract.
  4. Finally, we execute the RBN dispersion with the EOA.
  5. We cleaned up by revoking the transfer role from the EOA and the disperse.app contract. This enforces the non-transferability of RBN for these 2 addresses.

Execution Logs (detailed)

  1. Call recoverERC20(0x6123B0049F904d730dB3C36a31167D9d4121fA6B, 9867185239534628873715) on 0xd46f9546ebAbAAC44DC1B6D0Ac1eeb357D34FBeB (ETH staking rewards) - Txhash

  2. Call recoverERC20(0x6123B0049F904d730dB3C36a31167D9d4121fA6B, 5336789526203488489521) on 0x1d27a3A92330693B897db9B1C26290Ba381049b1 (WBTC staking rewards) - Txhash

  3. Call recoverERC20(0x6123B0049F904d730dB3C36a31167D9d4121fA6B, 172308935038505554423301) on 0xe79734461499246b6A8C8e768B96bebd0C891f63 (USDC staking rewards) - Txhash

  4. Transfer 187512.909804243671786537 RBN to 0xf3F3A2D51E663348f1ca62412B1D6d3be2CeB3a8 (EOA) - Txhash

  5. Call grantRole(0x9143236d81225394f3bd65b44e6e29fdf4d7ba0773d9bb3f5cc15eb80ba37777, 0xf3F3A2D51E663348f1ca62412B1D6d3be2CeB3a8) with 0xDAEada3d210D2f45874724BeEa03C7d4BBD41674 to give transfer role to EOA - Txhash

  6. Call grantRole(0x9143236d81225394f3bd65b44e6e29fdf4d7ba0773d9bb3f5cc15eb80ba37777, 0xD152f549545093347A162Dce210e7293f1452150) with 0xDAEada3d210D2f45874724BeEa03C7d4BBD41674 to give transfer role to disperse contract - Txhash

  7. Use disperse.app to send 179750.9439347424442046 RBN. The list of recipients are stipulated in the disperse_payout.txt file - Txhash

  8. Send the remainder 7761.965869501227581937 RBN back to RBN DAO 0xDAEada3d210D2f45874724BeEa03C7d4BBD41674 - Txhash

  9. Call revokeRoke(0x9143236d81225394f3bd65b44e6e29fdf4d7ba0773d9bb3f5cc15eb80ba37777, 0xf3F3A2D51E663348f1ca62412B1D6d3be2CeB3a8) - Txhash

  10. Call revokeRoke(0x9143236d81225394f3bd65b44e6e29fdf4d7ba0773d9bb3f5cc15eb80ba37777, 0xD152f549545093347A162Dce210e7293f1452150) - Txhash